CV Tibor CSELLE | born 28.09.53 | Budapest, Hungary
- 2022 - today | President of the board, GFE Schmalkalden, Institute for tools and machines
- 2019 - today | Senior CEO & board member Coating Equipment Factory, PLATIT AG,
Selzach, Switzerland
- 2005 - today | Cofounder and board member, PannonPLATIT Ltd., Coating Center, Budaörs, Hungary
- 2000 - 2019 | CEO Coating Equipment Developer & Producer, PLATIT AG, Selzach, Switzerland
- 1988 - 1999 Head R&D | 1988 - 1999 | Tool Manufacturing Company, Gühring, Berlin-Sigmaringen, Germany
- 1998 - 2022 | Board of Trustees, Research Institute GFE Schmalkalden, Germany
- 1997 - today | Technical Advisory Council for Cutting Materials, VDI, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 1996 - 2002 | Board member Technical Advisory Council of the European Union, Brusseles, Belgium
- 1996 - 2000 | Consultant Measuring Equipment Factory, Kistler AG, Winterthur, Switzerland
- 1993 - 1999 | Professor University of Advanced Science, Albstadt, Germany
- 1980 - 1988 | Consultant Milling Machine Factory, Fehlmann AG, Seon, Switzerland
- 1976 - 2016 | Professor | Technical University Obuda, Budapest, Hungary
- 1986 Doctor theses Technical University Dresden, Germany
Modular supervision of machine tools with the help of artificial intelligence
Achieved degrees: Dr.-Ing., Ph.D. & accepted as habilitation
-1980 - 1982 University study Technical University Budapest, Hungary
Achieved degree: Master of Science (Dipl.-Ing) for Electronic Engineering
- 1972 - 1976 University study -1 Technical University Dresden, Germany
Achieved degree: Master of Science (Dipl.-Ing) for Mechanical Engineering
- 1960 - 1972 | Basic education Politechnic for Mechanical Production, Budapest, Hungary
Achived degree: Technician for mechanical engineering
Awards |
2017 "Engineer of the year", Botka award, Engineering Association, Hungary
1999 "Innovation awards of the year, Kistler AG, Winterthur, Switzerland
1998 "Paper of the year", American Machinist, Chicago, USA
Languages | German, English, Hungarian
Citizenship | Switzerland, Germany
Family | Widowed since 2021- Married in 1977, wife: Andrea Cselle (burn Vigh)
2 sons: Gabor, 5.5.1980, Andreas, 30.7.1985
Tibor Cselle - Publications
413 publications, published in 23 countries, in 48 years
13 patents, 24 books, 192 lectures on scientific and industrial conferences,
134 papers in scientific journals, 21 electronic publications
29 scientific reports about research projects
The TOP 50 publications
[50] Cutting - Forming - Components
PannonPlatit,, 2020-24
[49] New developments in PVD-coatings and their application for SMEs
FWI, Wuppertal, Germany, 4/2023
[48] Rapid tool testing method
Werkzeug-Technik, Nr. 205, Sofetec, Boulogne, France, 11/2022
[47] Why "new" coatings for forming tools and machine components
Open House Company Werz, Harthausen, Germany, 12.5.2022
[46] Flexible Service with new high-performance coatings
Werkzeug-Technik, Nr. 183, Sofetec, Boulogne, France, 8/2020
[45] Flexible hybrid, high entropy coatings for cutting tools and components
Workshop "Innovation by hybrid coating processes, GFE Schmalkalden, 11/2019
[44] Compendium - Quo Vadis PVD Coatings - The essence happens in a thin layer
PLATIT AG, Grenchen-Selzach, Switzerland, 61 editions, 2000 - 2019
[43] Hybrid coating for tooling
hp tooling, Global Media, London, UK, 2/2019
[42] From start-up to hybrid revolution
Wekzeug-Technik, Nr. 162., Sofetec, Boulogne, France, 8/2017
[41] From rotary force meausuring head, over dry machining to nanocomposite coating machines
Lecture on the occasion of the handling over the Botka award. "Engineer of the Year"
Kecskemet, Hungary, 27.8.2017
[40] Coatings for cutting high performance materials
wpk, Technical University Vienna, Austria, 9/2016
[39] When can an SME think about investing in a coating system?
Werkzeug-Technik, Nr. 148, Sofetec, Boulogne, France, 08/2015
[38] Productive Decoating of PVD Coatings
Swiss Quality Production, 2014
[37] Edge preparation and coating: Keys for high performance cutting tools
ICS, Chemnitz, Germany, March/2012
[36] PVD coating technology for cutting tools - Quo Vadis 2012
Chapter in the book "Cutting Machining", 6th edition, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen, Germany, 2012
[35] Off to New Shore of Blue Oceans
Werkzeug-Technik, No. 120b, Sofetec, Boulogne, France, 7/2011
[34] Micro geometry and nano coatings for cutting tools - Key factors for HPC
High Performance Cutting, RWTH Aachen, Germany, 22.6.2010
[33] Expansion of the PVD spectrum with oxynitrides and DLC
Werkstatt und Betrieb, Hanser, München, Germany, 11/2009
[32] TripleCoatings, a new generation of PVD coatings for cutting tools
Chapter in the book "Cutting Machining", 5th edition, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen, Germany, 2008
[31] Inclined LARC coating system - dedicated for band saws
Surface Colloqium, RWTH Aaachen, Germany, 12/2007
[30] Influence of Edge Preparation on the Performance of Coated Cutting Tools
ICMCTF, Invited lecture, San Diego, April/2007
[29] Thermal stability of Cr1-xAlxSiyN coatings
with medium and high aluminium content prepared by arc evaporation
Material Research Soc. Sypm. Vol. 890 (2006) pp 181 - 187.
|28] Application of Coatings for Tooling - Quo Vadis 2005?
|VIP Vacuum's Best, Wiley-YCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2005
[27] Superhard Nanocomposite Coatings
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 24/2004 p.493-
[26] MoDeC: Modular structures for coatings of surfaces
Patent- PCT/EP 2004/011669, Europaen Patent Office, 8.10.2003
[25] Driving forces of today’s manufacturing technology
Industrial Tooling, Keynote Lecture, Southampton, GB, Sept/2003
[24] LARC: New industial coating technology
Werkstatt und Betrieb, Hanser Verlag, München, 3/2003
[23] Nanocomposite and nanogradient coatings for cutting tools
Surface Engineering – Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 395 (2002)
[22] Go into the Economy, with High Performance Machining and Flexible Coating
Gorham Conference, Keynote Lecture, May/2001, Atlanta, GA, USA
[21] Tools at SMEs - How and where to coat?
Chapter in the book "Cutting Manufactoring"
Publisher; Vulkan Verlag, Essen, Germany, 2001
[20] Carbide drills; ath the peak of the development
Hand book, 1-9th editions, Gühring KG, Albstadt, 1991-2001
Published in 8 languages; D, GB-USA, I, Nl. S, J, E, KOR
[19] Mono- or Multilayer, That Is Here The Question!
ICMCTF 2000, Invited Lecture, San Diego, April/2000
[18] Reaming drilling tool with piezo actors and memory clamping
Patent, 19945455.8, Deutsches Patenamt, München, Germany, 27.09.99
[17] Internet technology for the production - New working fields in the workshop
Machine tool conference, AWK`99, Aachen, Germany, 6/1996
[16] Are You Ready for Y2K Tooling?
Tooling Trends Users Can Expect to See in the New Millenium
American Machinist, Penton Pub., Cleveland, OH, USA, p.52-58, 4/1999
[15] Distinguish the important from the urgent
VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion, Springer VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany, IV/99 August
High tech tools, Seminar, TU Dresden, Germany, p.1-47, 3/99
[14] 10 Commandments of Dry High Speed Cutting
World Congress for Cutting Tools and Machines, Tampa, FL, USA, 3/1998
[13] Cutting data bank for drilling, milling and reaming
CD-ROM catalogue, Gühring KG, Albstadt, Germany, 12/1197
New Tools and Technologies + On-line Cataloque, Internet Web Site, 11/1997
[12] One way tools or outsourcing of the internal tool management
Conference "Drilling and Milling in the production process", Dortmund, Germany, 5/1997
[11] Clean manufacturing technologies
Machine tool conference, AWK`96, Aachen, Germany, 6/1996
[10] Tools for today and tomorrow
Video, Gühring KG, Albstadt, Germany, 1996
[9] New directions in drilling - Dry and near dry machining will impact
high productivity drilling in the next decade
Manufacturing Engineering, SME Pub., Dearborn, MI, USA, 8/1995
[8] Eco-chuck, tool holder for self-sufficient internal minimal lubrication for rotating shank tools
Patent: 19618540.8, Deutsches Patentamt, München, Germany, 30.06.95
[7] Today´s applications and future development of coatings for drills and rotating tools
ICMCTF, Invited Lecture, San Diego, CA, April/1995
Surface & Coatings Technology, 76-77, p.712-718, Elsevier Publ., Lausenne, CH, 1995
[6] Dry cutting with rotating shank tools
Chapter in the book "Cutting Manufactoring"
Publisher; Weinert, K., Vulkan Verlag, Essen, 1994
[5] A knowledge-based advisory system for optimizing machining parameters
Werkstatttechnik, Springer Verlag, München, Germany, 1/94
[4] Measuring of cutting forces on the rotating tools
Schweizer Präzisions-Fertigungstechnik, p.77-80, Carl Hanser, Zürich, CH, 8/93
[3] Configuration of the monitoring functions of cutting machine tools
with the help of expert systems based on artificial intelligence
University of Applied Science, Budapest, 1987
[2] Modulares Mess- und Steuersystem zur Überwachung und Führung von Werkzeugmaschinen, | Dissertation, TU Dresden, 1986
143 Textseiten, 406 Abbildungen, 145 Literaturquellen
Thesenheft: 33 Seiten, 18 Abbildungen, 23 eigene Literaturangaben
[1] Numerical control of machine tools
Verlag Technik, Budapest, 1982